- 📉crollano i risultati educativi dei bambini
- 📉 peggiora la salute dei bambini
- 📈 aumenta l'ansia delle mamme
Shujiang Mei†,
Sihui Luo†,
Kathy Leung†,
Di Liu,
Qiuying Lv,
Jian Liu,
Yuan Li,
Kiesha Prem,
Mark Jit,
Jianping Weng,
Tiejian Feng‡,
Xueying Zheng‡ and
Gabriel M. Leung‡
Published:22 November 2021https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2021.0124
- 📈 aumenta l'ansia delle mamme
The evidence on school closures is not really good:
— Lionel Page (@page_eco) January 25, 2022
- limited effectiveness in reducing COVID transmissions
- 📉 children educational outcomes
- 📉 children health
- 📈 mothers’ anxiety
Sources:https://t.co/Jh3XmsKpRYhttps://t.co/gCXcVUlnUhhttps://t.co/eoeZo53q2n pic.twitter.com/AeCWd5osz3
La pubblicazione scientifica che ne parla: "Research article: A global assessment of the impact of school closure in reducing COVID-19 spread"
Joseph T. Wu†,Shujiang Mei†,
Sihui Luo†,
Kathy Leung†,
Di Liu,
Qiuying Lv,
Jian Liu,
Yuan Li,
Kiesha Prem,
Mark Jit,
Jianping Weng,
Tiejian Feng‡,
Xueying Zheng‡ and
Gabriel M. Leung‡
Published:22 November 2021https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2021.0124